We provide specialist advisory, funding and administration services to South African businesses who participate in industry specific government incentive programs.
Incentives & Custom Duties Solutions
what we offer
- Trading of Production Rebate Credit Certificates (PRCCs) within the Automotive Production Development Program (“APDP”).
- Innovative funding solutions for buyers of PRCCs.
- A complete administration function surrounding the APDP claims process.
- We provide the same service offering to participants of the Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS).
- Innovative funding solutions including the use of the SARS deferment account.
- A complete administration offering including claims preparation and submission; SARS customs registration; tariff revisions; etc.
- Customs duty audits to assess the accuracy and completeness of duty claims.
- Staff training on various topics of Customs and Excise.
- We assist and advise our clients on the claiming of industry specific incentives.
- Incentive schemes are available across various sectors including: automotive; manufacturing; clothing and textile; technology; various export markets.
- The DTIC also offers a black industrialist scheme for qualifying B-BBEE candidates.
- Please call one of our skilled employees to assess whether your business qualifies for an incentive.